School Uniform

All pupils wear our school uniform. We believe that a school uniform sustains pride and a sense of belonging to Ysgol Gymraeg Nant Gwenlli. The uniform gives the children a sense of identity particularly when they are on a school visit and when they perform in public, e.g. school choir, singing parties etc. We ask parents to ensure that all children wear the official uniform as it is an important part of the ethos of the school.



School Uniform

Sweatshirt Royal Blue with embroidered school badge.
Cardigan Royal Blue with embroidered school badge.
Polo shirt – Reception only Plain White / White with embroidered school logo.
Fleece Royal Blue with embroidered school badge (optional extra as outer Winter wear.)
Socks / Tights Grey


You will be able to purchase the school uniform from Beam Sports & Schoolwear, Cambrian Street, Newport.

Plain grey skirts/trousers will be worn with the above. Pupils are not allowed to wear jeans. We stress at all times that children should wear appropriate black shoes for school (no high heels or trainers). In the summer the children may wear a gingham / striped dress in red/white or grey shorts and the school T-shirt (Nursery) or school polo shirt (Reception to Year 6). White socks may be worn in the Summer. Children are not permitted to wear sandals. Each item of clothing should be clearly marked/labelled with the child’s name. This is the only means of identifying clothes and makes matters easier when clothes are mislaid.

Bags should be of a reasonable size due to limited space in the cloakrooms. Please label all your items of clothing and equipment with the child’s full name.


School rules allow a tiny stud to be worn in the ear but forbid any other jewellery (excluding watches). Rings, bracelets and necklaces can be health and safety hazards in the school environment and they should not be worn under any circumstance. These rules are designed to prevent children from being injured during play or P.E. and to avoid any unnecessary sadness due to loss or breakage. The wearing of nail varnish is not allowed during school hours. No form of jewellery should be worn during P.E. lessons.

P.E. Kit – Reception to Year 6

All pupils at the school have P.E. lessons once or twice a week. P.E. is an integral part of the school curriculum and is compulsory for all children; it is not an option. In order to participate, children will obviously need a kit. At the beginning of the academic year, class teachers will inform children and parents what is required and on what days to bring their P.E. kit to school.

In the interest of Health and Safety, no jewellery should be worn during P.E. lessons. Please note also that your child will not be able to participate in P.E. lessons until new ear piercings have healed and jewellery can be removed – the beginning of the summer holiday may be the best time to have your child's ears pierced. All children participating in P.E. in the main hall must do so barefoot. All items of clothing should be labelled clearly with your child’s name. If parents do not provide a P. E. kit for their child, ‘items’ from the lost property box will be provided as pupils must participate in P.E. and games lessons.